Saturday, June 14, 2008

It's been a while since I've posted anything. My sister commented that there's nothing new on the "Girl" page. Just in case all 5 of you who read this are missing me...:) Let me catch you up.

A few months ago the idea of my going back to work was discussed. I realized through several interviews and possibilities that with a husband who works long hours, a teenage boy and a preschooler at home and still welcoming the idea of one more baby, I was not going to be able to commit to much that required long hours or commutes. I really think the Lord was preparing me for all of the changes in our lives that came soon after that short season of uncertainty. Funny, it was followed by even more uncertainty, but seemed easier to handle because I had already warmed up to the idea of change. Bobby now works for a different company, Barrett is in preschool a few days a week which allows me to work from home.
I had the rest of this passage exactly as I liked it and looked up to see it gone. In a nut shell...Life is going in a totally different direction than I would have ever pictured and I love it.

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